Tid Bits of Info
- Almost every insurance company is paying for these types of visits during the pandemic.
- Virtual visits will be approximately 45 minutes long, and you will be directed through an exercise program.
- In-home therapy is preceded by a screening process to protect the patient and the Physical Therapist.
- Virtual visits are best displayed on a computer monitor but smartphones also work.
- Physical Therapy treatment helps to prevent visits to the doctor and emergency room.
Regular workdays no longer exist. Many patients are unwilling to leave home for scheduled Physical Therapy appointments. Because of COVID-19 disruptions, Physical Therapists are adapting their ways of treating patients and figuring out ways to take Physical Therapy treatments to the patients who are most likely to be at home. The two most prevalent changes in the delivery of Physical Therapy services is virtual Physical Therapy and a flood of new home physical therapy providers.
Virtual Physical Therapy
Virtual Physical Therapy (Telehealth or Tele-physical therapy) is a form of Physical Therapy that is provided via a technological platform instead of in person. In many instances, the patient is unable to attend formal Physical Therapy sessions in a brick and mortar center but still requires rehabilitative treatment. In this situation, a highly skilled Physical Therapist can assess the patient’s needs and prescribe a treatment protocol by way of a technological visit. These visits can be for an initial evaluation or a follow-up visit.
ACE provides this type of service in the form of “live video” or “real-time” treatment sessions. The patient is required to log onto a specific website that is provided by our office. At the time of the scheduled appointment, the Physical Therapist will conduct a session virtually. The therapist will ask the same questions and have the patient perform movements and activities to be able to assess the current status of the patient’s injury. The therapist then guides the patient through a complete treatment session of exercises and functional movements that will help to treat and progress the patient’s rehabilitation program.
Home Physical Therapy
Home Physical Therapy or In-home Physical Therapy is a service that is offered to patients who are unable to attend Physical Therapy treatment sessions in one of our brick and mortar centers. Physical Therapy treatments for orthopaedic conditions are considered to be an essential part of the rehabilitation process. They have been linked to fewer visits to the primary doctor and emergency room.
ACE has been providing In-home Physical Therapy services to specific patient populations since 2014. To address the Physical Therapy needs of our patients during the recent healthcare crisis, ACE has expanded these services to any patient that is unable to attend their treatment sessions in our centers. The pandemic has forced people to practice social distancing. Some patients do not feel comfortable leaving their homes but need Physical Therapy treatment. ACE will come to you and provide the same high-quality therapy in your home as it would as if you were being treated in one of our centers. The highly trained Physical Therapist will modify your treatment session to accommodate your surroundings while being in the comfort of your own home.
Physical Therapy treatments are deemed essential during the pandemic. The treatments help you stay healthier and avoid trips to the doctor or emergency room. If you have a phone, you can have a Physical Therapist who has two very different ways to treat you. The most important thing to remember is to completely follow through with your rehabilitation because not doing it could cause you to suffer a great deal more in the long run.