Virtual Video Physical Therapy
Virtual Video Physical Therapy (Telehealth or Tele-physical therapy) is a form of Physical Therapy that is provided via a technological platform instead of in person. In many instances, the patient is unable to attend formal Physical Therapy sessions in a brick and mortar center but still requires rehabilitative treatment. In this situation, it is possible for a highly skilled Physical Therapist to assess the patient’s needs and prescribe a modified treatment protocol by way of a technological visit. These visits can be for an initial evaluation or a follow up visit.
ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute provides this type of service in the form of “live video” or “real time” treatment sessions. The patient is required to log onto a specific website that is provided by our office and at the time of their scheduled appointment the Physical Therapist will conduct a session virtually. The Physical Therapist will ask the same questions and have the patient perform movements and activities to be able to assess the current status of the patient’s injury. The therapist then guides the patient through a modified treatment session of exercises and functional movements that will help to treat and maintain the patient’s rehabilitation program, until they can attend complete in-person session.
ACE Physical Therapy & Sports Medicine Institute is currently able to provide Virtual Video Physical Therapy (Telehealth or Tele-physical therapy) services in Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia, Colorado, Iowa, Oklahoma and New York.